itSMF International purchases the IT Skeptic website

Two Hills Ltd and itSMF International are pleased to announce that, following the satisfactory conclusion of negotiations, itSMF International has purchased the domain, content, copyright and brand of the IT Skeptic website at and the following books: Owning ITIL and The IT Skeptic looks at CMDB.

The itSMF International Executive Board has announced that publication of the website and books has been suspended pending a review of all content and development of a policy, and an editorial committee, for future publication. "We welcome this suite of publications to the itSMF International's portfolio. We do not expect the suspension of publication to be much longer than that experienced when the ITSM Library was assimilated. Unlike the ITSM Library, we can assure you that this acquisition is permanent."

Rob England, managing director of Two Hills Ltd, said "I am sure the IT Skeptic brand is in good hands. I look forward to continued thought-provoking and controversial content from David and his team at itSMFI. Now if you will excuse me, I have to go pay some bills".

The purchase is effective immediately, from April 1st 2010.


Death Clock

Where is the death clock? i.e. how many hours before becomes a forwarding url to the itSMFI Bookstore

april fool

nice one rob. I feel for it at first before reconsidering ;-)

Please forward my check to the following address


Would you please forward my percentage of the check to the following address, in respect of the contribution I have made over the life of this site to creating vibrant discussions, dispelling and sometimes accidentally creating rumors, and generally helping raise the profile of the site.

Ian Clayton
Villa 38D
Necking Island

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