Sharon Taylor's five common myths about ITIL Version 3

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At the US Pink Elephant conference, Sharon Taylor, the Chief Architect and Chief Examiner of ITIL, listed five common myths about ITIL V3. I thought I'd make it clear that none of them came from this blog.

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I got bored seeing that same t-shirt all the time so...

IBM draws that long ITIL bow again

IBM just can't get over the fact they dropped the ball on ITIL, can they? Here is yet another claim that stretches the truth to the point of distortion:

IBM is a founding member of the ITIL research committee and still actively involved in the support and creation of new library materials including ITIL, Version 3.

These big frameworks are in vogue because as opposed to thinking, folks just want the answer

Now THIS is a blog the IT Skeptic will be following with interest: Mike Rothman's Daily Incite

Quote of the day

Configuration Management ... the ditch in which 'the ITIL automobile' comes to a stop.
David Nyman, on his wildly-named David's Blog

itSMF announce all seven global ITIL Version 3 launch events only weeks away so book now!

The ITIL Version 3 Launch website has announced details of all seven launch events. The last one is only seven weeks away so book now. These have changed from the early plans the IT Skeptic described here. USA wins, Canada loses. Korea chosen over Japan.

Announcing the IT Skeptic's ITIL Pipe - an ITIL newsfeed

yahoo pipesUsing Yahoo's new beta tool Pipes, the IT Skeptic has built his own custom ITIL news feed. You can share this feed to bring you your daily ITIL news if you wish, simply by subscribing to the RSS feed.

APMG finally let us in on ITIL Certification thinking

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kimono I knew I should have held this month's newsletter a few days. The moment it is published with another tirade about the lack of support information and direction in ITIL certification, APMG finally open the kimono.

The way OGC and APMG stand back without any response is completely unacceptable

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More on ITIL Version 3 certification from Pink Elephant, so good on Pink for giving us some transparency into their thinking. Unfortunately that thinking is a bit alarming. OGC's and APMG's failure to act in the ongoing fiasco which is the ITIL certification industry right now is unacceptable.

See the IT Skeptic at bITa USA 2007 Conference in Boston, May 21-22

The IT Skeptic will be presenting and participating in a roundtable discussion at the upcoming bITa USA conference The Building Blocks for Business IT Alignment.

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