Service Transition Phases

Oh great and mighty Wizard (see I try to pay due respect) - I'm seeking clarification on the phases in the Service Transition process to complete a workflow for my employer. In anticipation of being requested to "explain further" - in the official ITIL publication on ST why does "Release and Deployment" appear in the process flow before "Service Validation and Testing"?

Loving the customer

Treat the managers of organisations with a little respect when they choose to set their customer service levels where they do. It's a bit patronising to assume they are fools and you know more about customer service than they do. If they fail in their business strategy because of poor customer service, THEN you can dance around saying "I told you so". I don't see Comcast or Microsoft going broke because of their customer service.

Who owns the risk of an IT change?

Stuart Rance posted an interesting blog about What Is Change Management For?. Then we had an excellent discussion about it on Google+, where some great stuff came up that I want to capture here in my IP repository (or "blog" for short). Tell me what you think:

Google to introduce subscription charges for Gmail

Google today announced new subscription pricing for their popular Gmail service, in the face of falling advertising revenues and a massive capital shortfall resulting from their investments in robotics, drones, and driverless cars.

The death of the Service Desk software industry - major player on brink of pulling out

What major service desk software vendor is considering pulling out of the sector entirely?

The future of DevOps

@theitskeptic: You #DevOps guys wait. 5 years max and you are for it: the same hype backlash #ITIL and #ITSM suffered

These are the people who give ITIL a bad name

I'm fed up to here with folk shooting the message. ITIL works. It's good (not necessarily great but it is good. It will do, it's fit for purpose.) Most of the backlash against ITIL is because of the idiots running around with some strange ideas about ITIL.

The one top tip for IT operations and support: Checklists

We have the world of information at our finger-tips. Our operational tools get better every day. Yet things still go wrong on a regular basis. Then we take the opportunity to prove that there is no problem so bad that you can't make it worse. Why do we screw up? And why do we then screw up trying to fix it? My favourite magic-pixie-dust quick-win cure-whatever-ails-you fix (no seriously this time) is checklists.

The future of itSMF International

ImageOK let's get serious about discussing the future of itSMF International. What are the options?

itSMF communications

I wrote recently about how broken itSMF International is. Nothing personifies this so well as the total collapse of itSMF's communications to members and the public.

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