Results of itSMF International Board election

It's official: Sharon Taylor is Chair. So what next for Ken Wendle? Watch this space...

Chairman Designate:

Sharon Taylor (UK)

Directors Designate:

Alexander Kist (Netherlands)
Colin Rudd (UK)
Paul Martini (Germany)
Peter Brooks (South Africa)
Robert Stroud (USA)

The new Board will take up office on 1st January 2008 for two years and will elect a Vice Chairman and Treasurer and assign portfolios to the Directors.

There were a few very annoyed people after the nomination process made pretty high-handed eliminations of candidates, but obviously there has been some hosing-down of hot tempers behind the scenes because the proverbial effluent never met the air-movement device - at least not in public.


I Think Executive Director of itSMF USA!

...Hhmm ...the only space left seems to a second shot at being itSMF USA Executive Director....

In all honesty, who really

In all honesty, who really cares what will happen to Ken Wendle and his other cronies from the itsMF international Board who have achieved nothing in there 2 year tenure other than to done over by the OGC for the achievement of its own pre-determined commercial outcomes.

itSMF International thinks it has maintained a position of leadership in the ITSM industry.

Let me tell you nothing could be further from the truth.

They have been depositioned by the OGC in their announcement of the outcomes of the CAR Project.

They have done absolutely nothing about addressing the conflict of interest APMG has in being both the controlling body for the ITIL Qualifications Scheme and an Examination Institute that is competing with BCS ISEB, EXIN and the other new comer, Loyalist College from Canada.

APMG clearly has a vested and commercial interest in the early retirement of ITIL V2 which it has to some extent realised from pressure from within the industry, least of all by itSMF International who it now appears is on the payroll of APMG.

For example, why would itSMF International use it members valuable sponsorship dollars to conduct the ITIL V3 Roadshows when the TSO which stood to gain from the sale of books refused to be a wsponsor of these events.

The real answer is that itSMF International has again allowed itself to be used on the pretext it is showing leadership in the industry.

itSMF Interntional is a toothless tiger is nothing more than a follower and is certainly not a leader in the itSMF industry.

Rumour has it that a number of National Chapters are contemplating suseding from itSMF to form their own independent forum to promote Service Management based on ISO/IEC 20000 if itSMF UK old boys club which is really managing itSMF International and Sharon Taylor succeed in gaining control of the new Board.

If you are in any doubt about why the Institute of Service Management has not been extended to the International Forum, the short answer is that itSMF UK refuses to sign over the ownership of the itSMF logo to itSMF International.

If itSMF International had any strength of character it would simply create a new itSMF logo or call and EGM to have a special resolution passed by all National Chapters that required itSMF UK to sign over ownership.

This epitimises the style of leadership that the current ItSMF International Board has demonstrated and wonders why it has achieved nothing that would not have been achieved if their was no Board at all.

Confusing agendas

This is my very, very personal view.

I think some of the issues we are faced with actually arise from a conflict between the "old boys club" and the "sharon taylor" world view, rather than the combination of the two.

I have been involved with the itSMF for fifteen years, and I would say the old boys club approach, has been generally beneficial, driven by what is good for IT, not individual vendors or personalities - though often these areas converge. There are a lot of individuals who have got a lot out of ITIL, but who have also given an inordinate amount back. Times change though, and perhaps now a harder nosed approach is required.

At the end of the day though I suspect market factors will prevail - the bits of ITIL that will be popularly adopted will be those that can be demonstrated to deliver.

Miss 8-Ball?


What difference? Same old cronies - the same person who annointed Ms Taylor to the Refresh committee was the person who held all the strings prior, and then feigned retirement. She now holds all the positions that person once held while he sits quietly in the second row.

Has anyone actually mapped who sits where nowadays - Skep help us all here - can we post a list of all the key ITSM organizations and build the spider web of appointments - its frightening how much Ms Taylor is and familiar faces are responsible for things. Ms Taylor holds - ICSM in the US (President), International, Examiner Panel, Chief Architect. Truly Miss Eight-Ball.

Perhaps this is the reason why the refresh team is so quiet on future plans, the ICSM dormant, and the Examiner Panel putting out less than endearing deliverables - add the International and something must go - unless their is a second string to her bow... I wonder who that might be ... where are decisions REALLY MADE and what strategy is really at play here???? It seems to span many, many organizations.

waiting for a few more pieces of the puzzle

I will comment here, just waiting for a few more pieces of the puzzle

Focus of power

I have to say I agree with you in that I am worried about the dominance of one individual. I have to admit I edited my original posting to remove some more open criticism.

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