Skep Chat 2013/4/16 - talking with Pavels Gurskis

Your chance to hangout with the IT Skeptic and discuss what has been on the blog lately.

Expect more of these every week or two... IF you join in to make them happen. Circle me on Google+ for notification of future such events, and then come hangout with us. The next Skep Chat is on Friday, 10 May 2013 at 23:00:00 GMT (I'm having a holiday! and the itSMFnz conference in Auckland)

This week I had a great chat with Pavels Gurskis, an IT manager from Latvia. So good to talk to real practitioners: expect more of that from me in the coming year.

We talked about:

  • Chicken ITle and robots
  • Customer centric and customer value
  • The old days at CA and acquiring Cullinet
  • Lots about BYOD: compliance, risk, support
  • Governance again, and the failure to engage - both sides
  • Not all users are smart IT folk - get into the real world
  • Business perceiving IT as a utility
  • SalesForce and other nightmares, especially due diligence for small SaaS suppliers
  • The need to get expert help with outsourcing
  • How being a consultant makes you appreciate experts
  • ...and being a service provider makes you get services supplied
  • Why there wasn't a really big post to discuss as promised last time
  • Slow IT and "fast IT" e.g. DevOps, and meeting in the middle.
  • OMG I think I have another book on my hands

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