COBIT 5 will be released in April

ISACA have announced to members that COBIT 5 will be released in "mid-April".

The release includes three publications:

  • COBIT 5 (Framework)
  • COBIT 5: Enabling Processes
  • COBIT 5 Implementation

...and a "toolkit", an undefined "set of resources". I smell spreadsheets.

Cost to ISACA members for the pdf version? Nada. Free. Suck on that Cabinet Office/TSO/itSMF.

And ISACA is providing a separate download server for members so as not to have to compete for bandwidth with the great unwashed masses.

How does OGCs MoV stack up against ValIT?

[Ooops I used the wrong licensing terms so part of this post has been deleted. Sorry about that, my mistake]

OGC have launched Management of Value™, another framework. It looks from the little information available to be comparable to ISACA's Val IT.

A study in governance: comparing Castle ITIL with ISACA

It is always illuminating to use COBIT as a benchmark to study ITIL. In recent days, ISACA has announced another solid Board, whilst itSMF continues its infighting (see below), APMG expands its empire, TSO goes its own merry way unanswerable, and OGC tightens control over - and profit from - what everyone thought was public property (blog coming if I can ever unravel it all).

Chalk and Cheese continued: ISACA vs itSMF

With a new itSMF Board meeting as we speak, perhaps it is salient to review what we got in 2009 as members of itSMF and ISACA, two similar-sized organisations with supposedly similar functions and similar annual membership fees. I've written before about how the two are chalk and cheese, and that remains true.

ITIL-COBIT mapping shows even less coverage by ITIL

Along the way, I've somehow never got around to discussing a very important paper: Aligning COBIT® 4.1, ITIL® V3 and ISO/IEC 27002 for Business Benefit. This is one of the official OGC Alignment White Paper Series that do the alignment between ITIL V3 and the other frameworks, that ITIL V3 should have done in the first place.

COBIT 5 taskforce - who will steer the next generation COBIT?

ISACA have announced the members of their COBIT 5 taskforce, to develop the next generation COBIT.

Memo to itSMF: this is how you run an organisation

I've blogged before about how ISACA and itSMF are chalk and cheese and how this shouldn't be so - we could be brothers. I'm reminded of this again with ISACA's Invitation to Participate. itSMF members read it and weep.

How to assemble all the ITSM reference library you need for $211

[Updated 13th May 2010]
With seemingly everyone gouging the ITIL user these days, is there an alternative for those of us who can't just (or just can't) get the boss to pay the exorbitant prices? You bet.

ISACA's new strategy for COBIT and its future impact on ITIL

In my post about the control of ITIL the IT Swami conjectured that the future might hold ISACA gaining control of ITIL's space and possibly merging with itSMF. If that does not happen, it is pretty clear from ISACA's newly announced strategy that they are going to end up competing at least on the boundaries of their respective turfs and possibly over a large overlapping area.

Who now controls ITIL?

Who now controls ITIL? Who sits atop this multi-billion-dollar empire and calls the shots? The real power behind ITIL is still fragmented, although one wonders for how long. The IT Swami predicts!

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