The Skeptical Informer

The regular newsletter of the IT Skeptic at All the IT skeptical news that's fit to print ... and then some.

2012 #6 The old rules hold

The IT Skeptic's Skeptical Informer newsletter for 5th December 2012.

Ouch. So much for doing a newsletter weekly. Sorry, busy right now. Which is a good thing as the bills get paid at last after a long drought.

This newsletter is triggered by a quote I paraphrased from my old mate and DevOps sparring partner John "Botchagalupe" Willis. He almost said "Relativity is great but Newtonian physics still matters".

2012 #5 A tool is not an objective

The IT Skeptic's Skeptical Informer newsletter for 17th November 2012.

Here are a couple of simple principles I wish the IT industry would grok:

1) It doesn't matter whether we are talking about software or ITIL, they are just tools. Any tool is not an objective ("ITIL for its own sake", "We are converting to Remedy") Tweet this

2) Processes (or I prefer to say "practices") are not a unit of work ("we'll do incident first then change"). Tweet this

2012 #4 technology doesn't solve anything

The IT Skeptic's Skeptical Informer newsletter for 11th November 2012.

I've said it before but it can't be said often enough: technology doesn't solve anything. Any solution is a composite of people, practices and things. Tweet this

2012 #3 Don't confuse your personal digital experience with business

Your personal experience of the worlds of technology toys, tech bling, and personal computing do not tell us about how the world of business will change in response to technology. Tweet this

2012 #2 - The Value of Intellectual Property

Lat week I sent the first of the newly-revived IT Skeptic's newsletter The Skeptical Informer in a new format: a (roughly) weekly letter on one topic, either topical or mined from the IT skeptic's archives.

This week, I want to talk about the perceived value of intellectual property on the internet, or rather the lack of any perceived value.

2012 #1 - Sharing On The Internet

After a hiatus of about a year, the IT Skeptic's newsletter The Skeptical Informer is back again in a new format: a (roughly) weekly letter on one topic, either topical or mined from the IT skeptic's archives.

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