service desk

Crap Factoid Alerts: Strong Commitment to ITIL3, 72% trained, 94% planning, 89% predictable costs....

An ITIL V3 report from Sunrise Software is rich in crap factoids, since the report itself suffers from all the methodological deficiencies we have described before. Mercifully this one may not get much airtime so we rate the risk Medium.

how not to do Level 1 support

This post is longer than normal but you may find it entertaining as an example of

  1. how not to do Level 1 support. All the politeness in the world is no substitute for actually listening, and having some understanding of the environment
  2. where email-based support (as compared to actually talking to people) can go wrong

Software branding seems to be in the hands of imbeciles.

What is it about these big software companies and their inability to come up with decent branding of their products (and companies)?

IBM: the company with such a firm grasp of ITIL strategic issues that they sold their service desk

Is it just me or does anyone else think it is a bit rich IBM lecturing ITIL vendors?

After all, this is the company with such a firm grasp of ITIL strategic issues that they sold their service desk product to Peregrine, abandoned to an inevitable brutal death. That's a bit like GM getting out of making engines and then telling other auto makers what they need to make cars.

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