itSMF International announce the election of Ken Wendle to the Executive Board

itSMF International announce the election of Ken Wendle (HP, USA) to the seventh position on the Executive Board, defeating Pauline Angelico (Itilics, Singapore). The old school wins over fresh ideas.

The Third World rabble have been seen off once again by Fortress ITIL, the old guard close ranks, and HP has a dominant position, as Paul Martini is also HP, Germany. We have no idea who "Paul Bianchi" is. [Update: the website has been corrected to get his name right] You know Paul is on the outer when they can't even get his name right in the announcement.

From the other side of the planet, I read this as Peter (Peter Brooks, PHMB, South Africa) and Paul vs. The Establishment. A shame really: Peter and Paul and Pauline would have made the team a lot more balanced.

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