Hear and meet the IT Skeptic

Don't miss the announcements on what Skep is up to, e.g. an upcoming webinar on Operational Readiness: Ensuring a Smooth Transition from Project to Production..

How many of you filter out the stuff around the edges of the screen, the ads and announcements and links? I know I do. I did it in the days of newspapers: the analogue organic newspapers that Murdoch is riding to the bottom. What will people with puppies do when they are gone? I guess we get enough free local papers stuffed into the letterbox to keep the carpets protected into the future.

Anyway, I used to so ignore the ads that it would be a shock to go back and deliberately read them. And now it is the same with websites. I miss big and obvious links in side columns and boxes because the mind filters them all.

As we slowly drown in the ever-growing deluge of information, I imagine more and more folk do as I do. So I'm posting this front and centre, to capture your eyeballs to tell you I put important stuff around the sides of this page, especially the Topic tag-cloud (isn't that a quaint old use of the word "cloud"?), the recent comments, and the "hear and see the IT Skeptic" announcements top right.

This blog is a great community and we interact well, but I hope many of you will take the opportunity to connect with me in other ways too, through webinars and conferences.

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