Carpe diem

I've issued plenty of warnings about the recession, about how it may well be gathering momentum rather than all over. And I am still very cautious. But perhaps I've been too cautious. In fact maybe this recession has got me into a funk. I've found myself saying no to much interesting stuff. The main reason for adopting this lifestyle was life's fickle nature: I need to get back to a bit more carpe diem - sieze the day.

As Brian Tracy says

The most important quality for success in entrepreneurship and in life is the quality of optimism... In order to be successful in business, and in any activity where your money is involved, you must temper your optimism with negativism. You must be enthusiastic about the possible upside of the investment but you must be skeptical, critical, suspicious and demanding about all the different ways that your money can be lost... listen to negative thinkers, but don’t necessarily accept their advice. When the inevitable fires and storms happen in your business life, no matter what anyone says, you must remain positive and optimistic, and take full control of your situation.

So I'm sorry for all those fun conferences I turned down in interesting places - I hope you'll ask me again next year. Many readers will have seen that I am going to Las Vegas with Pink Elephant next year. I'm doing some work with the New Zealand Police right now - maybe they'll lend me a kevlar vest? I'm writing over on Pink Elephant's blog leading up to the conference.

BTW, I'm receiving small amounts of money from a few ITSM-related companies now. In the interests of full disclosure I list them down the bottom of this blog.

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